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10 Tips To Make Your Home More Secure


When you’re working to keep your home safe, it’s important to start with the basics. Make sure your doors and windows are locked when you go out or at night when you sleep. Check that your exterior lighting is working properly so that intruders can’t easily break in without being noticed by neighbors or passersby who’ll call the police if they see something suspicious going on at your property. And of course there’s always something else you can do to help protect yourself from thieves, burglars and other criminals who might want to break into your house or steal from you without anyone knowing about it until it’s too late! The following tips will help make sure that doesn’t happen:

1. Make sure your exterior lights are working properly.

  • Make sure your exterior lights are working properly. This is a simple task, but one that can be easily overlooked by homeowners. Properly functioning exterior lighting is a deterrent to criminals and makes it easier for law enforcement to see what’s going on when they respond to calls at night. Motion-sensitive lights will come on when someone approaches the house, so make sure those are working too!

If you have a security system installed in your home, make sure it’s up-to-date and functioning properly so that if an intruder does get past all of these other precautions (which hopefully won’t happen), they’ll still trip an alarm before entering or leaving through an unlocked door or window.

2. Install motion-activated lights around the front of your home to keep unwanted visitors away.

If you’re looking for an easy way to make your home more secure, installing motion-activated lights around the front of your home is a great option. These lights are inexpensive and can be found at most home improvement stores. They’re also very simple to install–you just need some basic tools like screwdrivers and pliers.

Motion-activated lights are ideal for keeping burglars away from your property because they turn on when someone approaches or passes by them, providing illumination in an otherwise dark area (like a tree line). This provides enough light so that anyone who might try breaking into your house will see it immediately and think twice before attempting anything further!

3. Consider installing a security system for added protection for you and your family.

When it comes to home security, there are many options available. A security system can help you feel safer, deter criminals from targeting your home and even alert you to a break-in so that you can call the police. If installed correctly, a security system will also alert you to a fire or other emergency so that everyone in the family is prepared for what might be coming next. It’s important for homeowners who have children or pets at home (or both) to consider installing a monitored alarm system with cameras so that they have peace of mind at all times when they’re out of town or sleeping at night.

4. Keep trees cut back from windows and doors so criminals can’t hide from police or prowl around near your property without being noticed by neighbors or passersby.

  • Make sure trees are trimmed so that they are not touching windows or doors.
  • Keep bushes trimmed so someone can’t hide behind them.
  • Use motion-activated lights on your property to make it more difficult for criminals to hide in the dark, especially if you live in a rural area where there aren’t many street lights nearby.

5. Use a locking mailbox to prevent any mail theft as well as other mail theft methods that might be used to gain access to your home such as using a stolen identity or intercepting packages containing goods ordered online from Amazon etc..

  • Use a locking mailbox to prevent any mail theft as well as other mail theft methods that might be used to gain access to your home such as using a stolen identity or intercepting packages containing goods ordered online from Amazon etc..

A locking mailbox is one of the easiest ways to keep criminals away from your personal information and private documents, but it’s also important for preventing them from stealing your mail directly from the street in front of your house.

6. If you have a dog, make sure it is securely fenced in with no gaps large enough for an intruder to sneak through unnoticed until they’re inside your house where they can do the most damage possible!

  • If you have a dog, make sure it is securely fenced in with no gaps large enough for an intruder to sneak through unnoticed until they’re inside your house where they can do the most damage possible!

Dogs are great deterrents against burglars. A barking dog will alert you that someone is trying to break into your home and by the time he gets inside, he’ll likely be too scared of getting bit or sprayed with water (if it’s nighttime) that he won’t want to stick around long enough for police to arrive. If not having a dog isn’t an option because they aren’t allowed by local laws or if yours just isn’t working out as well as expected–maybe try getting one of those fake ones instead? They look real from afar but don’t actually bark so no one knows if someone’s coming at night when all lights are off except maybe some moonlight shining through windows onto hallways leading up stairs toward bedrooms where people sleep peacefully unaware until…

Keeping things safe inside and out is important to help protect yourself, your family and your possessions

  • Make sure doors and windows are locked.
  • Keep valuables out of sight, such as jewelry or expensive electronics (especially if you live in an area that has a high crime rate).
  • Don’t leave keys in the ignition if you’re going away for more than a few hours, or even overnight–this is one of the easiest ways to get your car broken into!
  • Don’t leave mail in your mailbox when it rains–the paper will get wet and become soggy enough to tear when they’re taken out later on by thieves looking for checks and other useful information on people’s identities that they can use later down the road when committing crimes against them too… yikes!


There are many ways to make your home more secure and keep it that way. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on security systems or fancy cameras if they aren’t within your budget. Start small with things like installing motion-activated lights around the front of your property and keeping trees trimmed back from windows so no one can hide there undetected while trying break in!

Dawn Oto

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