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How To Get Good Lighting In Your Home Exterior Pictures


Don’t underestimate the importance of good lighting. Your home should look its best for buyers, and that means doing everything you can to make your home look great in exterior photos.

Consider The Time Of Day You’re Shooting

If your goal is to take pictures of your home at night, then you’ll need to invest in artificial lighting. You can buy these kits online or at any hardware store and they come with either battery operated or plug-in options.

You’ll also want to make sure that the lights are bright enough for the task at hand; otherwise, they won’t produce enough light for your camera’s sensor (or retina).

Use A Tripod And Remote Control

A tripod is an essential tool for getting good pictures of your home exterior, so it’s worth spending some time to find one that suits your needs. Tripods can be expensive and hard to use, but if you know what to look for and how to use them properly, they can make all the difference in the quality of your photos.

You need a sturdy tripod that won’t move or shake even with long exposures (which we’ll talk about later). Look for one with adjustable legs so that you can adjust its height depending on where it’s placed–this will help ensure stability when taking pictures from different angles around the house. Another important feature is quick release plates: these allow photographers to easily switch between cameras without having to remove all their gear from one camera body onto another every time they want a new shot taken!

Finally: don’t forget about tripods’ most important feature: remote controls! Using remote controls allows photographers more flexibility when setting up shots because they don’t have

to stand right next by their camera while it takes pictures; instead they can walk away from where they’re pointing their lens while still being able to activate shutter release remotely via Bluetooth connection between smartphone apps like Shutterfly.”

Turn Off Your Flash

If you’re shooting on a smartphone, turn off your flash and use natural light as much as possible. If you’re shooting with a DSLR camera or mirrorless camera, consider using a tripod to stabilize it. You can also use remote control devices to trigger the shutter without touching your camera at all (or just press “timer” if that’s all you have).

Using natural light is best because it won’t distort colors or create harsh shadows in either direction; however, this can be difficult when shooting indoors during winter months when there isn’t much sun coming through windows or skylights–or even if there is enough sunlight but it isn’t hitting where you want it to hit! In these cases I recommend trying different times of day until one works out better than others: early morning shots tend not only give better lighting but also make everything look brighter than usual (which means less work for editing later).

Don’t underestimate the importance of good lighting.

Lighting is an important part of photography. It can be the difference between a good photo and a great one, so it’s worth getting right. In fact, lighting is often more important than camera settings or subject matter; if you don’t have good light for your shot, you won’t get any usable photos at all!

Lighting also has an effect on mood: harsh sunlight will make people look tired or ill-tempered while soft shadows can make them look romantic and mysterious. You may want to experiment with different types of lighting depending on what kind of mood you want your picture to convey


Good lighting is one of the most important things you can do for your home. It can make your house look bright and beautiful, or it can make it look dull and uninviting. Lighting is also important because it helps people see what they’re looking at more clearly so they don’t accidentally trip over something when walking around outside at night.

Dawn Oto

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